Winter Wanderings

The best part of teaching is the month off during the winter season (Thanksgiving till 1st week of Jan!). This winter was rather busy, after exams I flew out to Wyoming for a two week training session (me=trainer), then from Wyoming to Florida to spend the rest of the winter with friends and family. I’ve managed to make my way from Titusville to Naples and down to Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood before coming back to Titusville. I’m enjoying the sunshine, especially with the knowledge that Ohio is getting hammered with snow, but mostly I’m enjoying being able to spend time with my family and catch up with friends.

Ruby has been spending her winter vacation in Titusville at Casa de Templeton Parents. Where I am enjoying the warmth, she will be VERY happy to see snow and bask in the cooler climate.

I’ll pull out of Florida by Jan 2 and start the journey back to Ohio, with a stop in South Carolina before parking my soon-to-be frozen rear in Lima. I hope everyone had a super Merry Christmas and has festive plans for New Year (and the New Year!)


Ruby enjoying her winter vacation home

Ruby enjoying her winter vacation home

Wyoming Winter Walking in Wyoming Copman's Tomb Naples Beach Bir-d Hollywood Beach Breakfast Naples Beach Front Titusville Ruby